One of the most urgent needs of any rescue is for foster care. Foster parents take on the role of a Halfway House for Chins coming into our program. A foster parent houses, cares for and gets to know a new dog. They are our first line of defense in the fight to help less fortunate chins find new forever homes. A foster parent gets to know their charge. They are the best resource for learning just what kind of applicants are the best match for each dog they care for. Without our foster parents there would be no way JCCARE could continue. If you think you might be interested in helping through our foster program read on.
Where do Foster Dogs come from?
Fosters dogs come into our rescue from many different places. Some are Owner Turn Ins displaced due to circumstances entirely beyond their control. Owners may have recently had to move, fallen on hard times financially, added a family member with allergies. Sometimes an owner has a dog with medical problems that they feel they are not able to adequately address. Some foster dogs come in from shelters as strays. Sometimes we get dogs when an owner passes away, or due to an abusive situation where the authorities have stepped in to help the animals.
No matter where your new foster baby comes from he or she will be scared and desperate for love. That love is the most important thing you can offer a foster dog and the one thing that will make the most difference in their lives. And in yours. There is not much more satisfying than that first tail way and tiny kiss from a displaced Chin who has finally sensed someone he can trust.

What are my responsibilities and what are JCCAREs obligations in a foster situation?
JCCARE will take care of the initial vet visit to get your new foster dog up to date on vaccines and heartworm testing, get his or her teeth cleaned if needed, a spay or neuter done, and anything else the veterinarian feels is needed to get your foster dog off on the right ‘paw.’ Additional vet visits as needed for his or her care are also covered by JCCARE until you and your foster find his perfect home.
You are responsible for food, toys, bedding, flea meds and heartworm preventative. And love and patience. Your foster dog will be relearning the rules so you may also be able to help out with potty training and basic obedience commands such as ‘sit’ ‘stay’ and walking on a lead.
You will also have the help and support of your area representative and local JCCARE reps. They are willing and qualified to answer questions, give advice and step in if needed to make you and your foster successful.
What happens when my Foster Dog has found his perfect forever home?
You will be consulted on your foster’s placement. Your opinion will carry a heavy weight as the right home is found for your foster. When that ‘just right’ home is located and the adoptive parents have been approved it’s time to say goodbye. JCCARE will help arrange transportation if needed. The tears when you see your foster in the arms of his new parents will be equal parts happiness and sadness. But those tears mark another success story for one more deserving little soul.

What if I become so attached that I can’t give him up?
Foster Failures happen. If you believe that you are the prefect home for you little charge, and you can’t imagine being happy without him or her in your life, then arrangements can be made to allow you to adopt. Fostering is a time honored way to find out if a Japanese Chin is right for you long term and to find your perfect soul mate.
OK – I’ve read the information and I’m willing to become a part of the JCCARE Foster Program – what happens now?
Once you fill out the Foster Home Application your area representative will be in touch with you soon after to discuss fostering in more detail and to answer any questions you may have. Thanks for helping JCCARE out and chin spins to you from your future foster baby.